Ultimately the issue is ideology and spirituality, not politics or security. Why are so many people disillusioned with the USA as an idea? What happens when a critical mass of people no longer believe in it, and want something different? Rome found out eventually, and so will the USA. I don't say this as an "extremist", merely an observer.

For all its rhetoric about democracy, the USA is controlled almost entirely from the top-down by a plutocratic elite. Whenever real alternatives are attempted they are co-opted or get the full force of the state against them. Domestic deplorables are just getting a small taste of what this empire has been dealing out to the rest of the world for a long time. The reality of American empire is softened by the generally comfortable lives and small freedoms that people enjoy, along with a very powerful media/entertainment propaganda machine. But in a bigger, spiritual picture, the USA is losing its hold on people’s imaginations both foreign and domestic, and no amount of legality or security can turn the tide. Ultimately the USA had too much hubris, greed, narcissism and delusional exceptionalism to last—a project that thought it could end history will in fact be ended by history. At least that’s how I imagine the Chinese historians of the future will see it.

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You really need to buy Eagle's Eyes.

You seem deeply confused.

Elon Musk paid for a Power Grid for Puerto Rico after the 2017 disaster

having stock from the company you create isn't the same as cold hard cash that you can use to buy wine

also the usa tend to catch those who abuse, like that big pharma who was seling opoids and the cure to opoid addiction, hereby prooving they knew they were doing something wrong

China is in far worst trouble than the USA but I'm confident it will one day unite under Taiwan enligthened leadership 8D

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Please correct me if I'm mistaken, but here are my thoughts:

1) domestic terrorism/extremism is a tremendous threat and Chris Wray has done virtually nothing to limit its spread,

2) Congress has done virtually nothing to identify or legislate a domestic terrorism law, 3) if such a law were enacted, there's a good chance that our highly partisan SCOTUS would find it unconstitutional,

4) rampant inequality, wildly partisan SCOTUS rulings, lack of accountability for GOP seditious conspiracy or massive corruption by the Trump administration by DOJ has emboldened the insanity of GOP House members and the cowardice of GOP Senators, 5) AG Garland and Wray are 2 sides of 'Team Ostrich' (aka let's move forward and paper over the massive fissures in the foundations of democracy),

6) the media, even now, fails to be proactive in illuminating the dangers of both authoritarian rule and anarchy. Pundits use the word fascism, but fail to explain what it means for everyday life, corporations in their greed to extract every last dollar fail to see their fate under a Putinesque regime, Media fails to learn the lessons of Hong Kong, etc and ignore their own imminent danger under fascist leaders,

7) no one learns from history...global warming has acc elerated much faster than scientists had predicted, more pandemics are a certainty as the earth continues its unprecedented warming, political violence at all levels seems not only likely, but inevitable, guns are everywhere and loosening allegiance to local and federal governments will lead to factions and increases in random violence as local police lose the ability to slow the anarchy (never mind the extremists within local, state, and federal law enforcement).

If I'm far too pessimistic, please advise, but in the absence of strong leadership from the top, Biden, Wray, Schumer, Pelosi, Garland, the refusal of the media to be honest about the danger, and the irrationally partisan SCOTUS, how can we avoid chaos and anarchy?

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1) Actually they did made arrests

2) they did add new laws and ruling. including arrests regarding unlawful use of firearms

and charging the parents of one mass shooter

4) the fight is not over

6) the media cover toltalitarianism plenty and its danger

but ok, not on fox media

7) I do. And it got to do with tiping points. they are addressing methane right now. some this president has a head on his shoulder. Trump didn't even knew what CO2 was

Climate chage can't be learned from history. It's a first. It's human activity causing it.

Leadership has to come from the bottom. Peoples have to be proactive in finding and suggesting solutions.

Learn. Study. Be Innovative. Encourage Innovators. Especialy those who tackle climate change.

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I wrote a 10 min play in 2020 as a warning about an assassination of a federal guard by Boogaloo Bois in order to make police think George Floyd protesters were violent and trigger the next civil war. Inspired by the assassin hiding out near my sister's home and an FBI report: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pressrelease/file/1285706/download -- after Jan 6 everyone who wants to know about right wing extremist groups, knows.

In the 60s when left wing groups moved toward violence (e.g. bank robbery in Nyack that killed a guard), most of us lefties stood up and stood against violence, even at risk of being blasted as weak and shunned. But millions of us around the country stopped support.

I hope duped Americans who truly believe the lies about our election systems being rigged will do some research (e.g. check out the 60+ judges, many appointed by GOP, who found no evidence of voting fraud that could have changed elections (some GOP voters cast a vote for a deceased parent, etc.) If insurrectionists prove they realize they stormed the Capitol because they believed the Lie and did not do their own research, maybe they deserve pardon if they do a certain number of sincere education meetings in their communities to restore trust in our democracy.

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Clint Watts, nice description of what the field looks like


I got a few questions on incels



How does counterterrorism differentiate harmless"otakus" and "hermits" from actual "dangerous incels" especially considering the amount of celibate in Japan and Sweden, and it's a growing problem everywhere



Is anyone looking at the cause of increased involuntary celibates


I know there was a funny study showing humans are more attracted to psychopaths, and psychopaths are better at communicating/charming. Could it be that things like tinder and dating sites are having the oposite effect of what's intended, favoring abuser and date rapists over peoples interesting in relationships, which in turn exacerbate the problem


Couldn't avoid noticing zero effort was deployed to counter the problem, despite rape, despite even murder and extorsion case, they keep addressing on a case by case basis and there is no law enforcement involved in pre screening cadidates (or at least social workers or something to access this isn't a serial rapist or other criminal)


The problem is also made worst by porn sites that have become hard to distinguish from crime scenes. Example: Pornhub. But it's equally as bad on XVideos and XHamster, and there was a gang rape case in Cyprus where they litteraly rented a girl after raping her and getting her into shock at which point she was defenseless (and India got worst cases than that)


I think all this factor in for the incel problem

and it also increase the plight for women


It surely make any celibate (not incel)

ask why the rape of women is allowed on porn websites

and they're allowed to rake in a massive profit from it


Porn really need a reboot to look more like lovemaking/romance

Even the porn games on Steam pretty much teach the abc of rape instead of teaching the art of kamasutra


I hope my comments can prove somewhat useful


Because I see little efforts to tackle problems from a same perspectives


I even saw somewhere the fbi bankrolled to printing of the atomwafen booklet.

That was a bit of a shocker.

Seems dumb to me to help them expand their message.

(that's from an article on Vice)


Sometimes I just don't understand the grand strategy in counterterrorism

Not enough focus on deradicalisation perhaps ?

I was impressed with the Brittish approach.

Not perfect, but it produced some results.


In the US the situation just seems to be getting worst all the time

-Lack of gun control (and weapon control at large) seems the biggest chunk of the problem

One famous youtuber that has a chanel on guns

actually accidentaly lost his wife to landmines he has on his property

I'm sorry but that ain't freedom and he should be charged with murder


And then there is the Erik Prince problem

Personaly I would refocus on that sort of problem

because that's a different scale

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Where are Antifa and Black Lives Matter. They have created more havoc, destroyed more property and injured and killed more people than any other groups in America?

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No, they haven't.

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If you don't want people to take you seriously, that's your business.

Death(s) At least 25

Injuries 2000+ law enforcement officials and an unknown number of civilians

Arrested Over 14,000 (as of June 27, 2020]

Property damage $1–2 billion damages


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Any thoughts on Antifa and Portland? If you are going to do an accurate job, I would think we would need to include all groups?

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They aren't a terrorist organization. But nice try with false equivalence and endless whataboutism.

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Iron John: I find it ironic that 1) I didn't call them a terrorist organization so you are using what you would probably call a straw man. 2) How is that false equivalence? If your definition of "domestic extremism" doesn't include the stuff that happened in Portland, then please define "domestic extremism" to me and 3) I will give you that whataboutism can be endlessly used, yet I asked about ONE group? Unless you give a thoughtful response and then I follow up with "yes, but,", I am not guilty of that either. I don't think your response is particularly useful nor well thought out. I would appreciate if you would try again, though, so that I can understand your point of view better. Thanks you!

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