The group we need most right now are religious leaders. Polls of pastors in the US show that many hear conspiracy theories regularly among their congregations. We know Evangelical Christians and also Catholics have sizable anti-vax populations. We need pastors/religious leaders willing to speak to their congregations.

This also intersects with another group that can have hesitation because of the history of medical exploitation in the US: minorities. We need devoted public health and risk communication professionals reaching out to these key figures in communities and being a resource for them.

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I agree, i had them as a fourth example but I didn't like my write up so I cut it out, but agree, yes, religious leaders

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Great thoughts. Hope the Admin addresses this. While I got vaccinated asap. I cannot convince my 20 yr old who has had it to get vaccinated. Nor can I convince my ex who smokes and drinks heavily, at age 63 to get vaccinated. Nor can I convince my 23 yr old who has juvenile diabetes because she's experiencing severe anxiety. It's all very very frustrating.

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Clint, I appreciate the work you have undertaken to thwart the twin metastasizing cancers of authoritarianism and disinformation. The problem is that most Americans (other than those on the right who are laser focused and rewarded by their representatives), have been egregiously ignored by leadership. Time and again, Democratic voters have been met with lethargic and passive leadership, whose attitude seems to be 'well, we tried. reelect us and we'll try again). Where is the urgency? Where are the dire warnings to Americans about the ongoing collapse of democracy? Pelosi is content to straighten the deck chairs on the Titanic.When questioned, Democratic leaders either splutter inarticulately or make rambling speeches. Where is the outrage? Where is the call to action? Where is the concerted drive to form coalitions with never-Trumpers and disaffected Republicans? There is just a vacuum that Fox, FB, and the GOP are happily filling. Even now, as the most optimistic have been forced to see (via the contemptuous vote on the 1/6 Commission, which Sinema didn't bother to attend), instead of holding a press conference to boldly alert Americans to the grave danger we face, Democratic leadership are attending family bbqs. Biden is talking about a budget that has 0% chance of passing, slow-walking the distribution of vaccines to poor countries, AWOL on the rapid devolution of voting rights, and his DOJ seems laser-focused on protecting both Bill Barr and DOJ employees who supported Trump's heinous actions. To have any hope of countering disinformation campaigns, Democrats need clear, bold, coordinated, effective messaging. Instead, Pelosi in particular, is doing exactly what lost her the strong majority she captured in 2018...papering over enormous crises. Schumer is an ineffective leader, but it's quite clear that Manchin and Sinema are not acting in good faith. McConnell deliberately left Manchin without cover re the 1/6 vote. Manchin will have to find a 'new story' to hide behind to justify his refusal to eliminate or reform the filibuster. Sinema is clearly openly contemptuous of Democratic leadership. Not only are we singularly unable to counter disinformation at every level, with Democratic leadership who barely make a show of even trying, but we have SM platforms that are openly anti-democratic and a completely intertwined cultural/religious/political/media/SM ecosystem on the right. I don't see a future for democracy, multiculturalism, or justice in America's future. I don't believe that 18th level chess is happening behind closed doors. I think it's too late to effect meaningful change in the US. I applaud those who keep trying, but I don't see any realistic path forward. I'd like to be wrong about everything.

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Great thoughts. I believe by using these methods correctly, we can achieve a lot. It’s going to take a lot, though. For example, I think back to the 2020 election and the massive disinformation spread. When Republicans like McConnell stated that Biden had indeed won the presidency, much of their audience and supporters (Trump voters) completely turned against them. In my opinion, that is because they have heard over and over again about “fraud this fraud that” that they literally could not believe their ears when they heard prominent Republicans going against those claims. And when Donald and Ivanka Trump started encouraging people to get the vaccine I would see comments and such that said something along the lines of “I’m disappointed”. This is why it’s important to start as early as possible to combat the lies whether it’s election, vaccine, or anything else related. Thanks again for great info and thoughts.

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